The beginning I choose

Well, then. Let there be light! In the wake of a particularly taxing 366 days, I board once again the train of resolution. I will be dipping my toes into deeper waters. In concert with millions across the globe, I have harnessed the optimism that comes with a new year and channeled that into, among other things, writing — something I have consistently been inconsistent with for a little over two years.
I must confess that I am still unfamiliar with the ways of the pen. I watch these words across the screen, feeling dwarfed by the pervasiveness of excellent wordsmanship on this platform. Like an ant seeing the workings of the anthill for the first time. It chips away at my resolve to bottle my thoughts and throw them into the vast sea that is the internet — in the hope that a stranger or thousands will stumble upon them and find in them anything; it could be something to relate to, something to challenge, or something to affirm.
Every passing second casts doubt on my motivation. My unhealthy obsession with sounding profound does not make this an easier task. There is no shortage of reasons and evidence to conclude that this may be an ill-fated quest. Perhaps these are words born of acrophobia, of a man straddling the high line between familiar and uncertain. That I may trip, stumble, crash and burn is not far fetched.

Regardless, I write.
…There should be no boundaries to human endeavor — Stephen Hawking.
To that, I nod in affirmation and as such, I will not place any to my own. It is in this spirit that I set sail. I hope that in the end, I will look at what I have made and see that it is beautiful.
If you, like myself, are starting anything— filled with formless ideas, silent uncertainty, wrapped by the vast mist of possibilities and engulfed in the murkiness of doubt — this piece is for you. I invite you to watch me create. Let there be light!